SCAR Website Launch – Sefton Communities Against Roadbuilding

Dec 5, 2016


Supporters of Rimrose Valley Friends are the first to know that SCAR, the newly formed community campaign group that is opposed to any further port access road development, has today launched their website.

Click here to visit the SCAR website and whilst you’re there please click the link to Join the SCAR Campaign.

We’d also be made up if you would please print this SCAR poster and put it in your front window for passers by to see.

SCAR is opposed to BOTH Highways England road options because either option will be terrible for us all, ruining both health and environment for our families and future generations. We also refuse to allow anyone to split us in battle between one option or another, as a divided community is a weak and voiceless community.  Rimrose Valley Friends endorses and supports SCAR in their campaign against both road options and calling for acceptable alternative options to be tabled.

Whilst SCAR was borne out of the Rimrose Valley Friends 250 strong public meeting in April 2016, it is a separate organisation to Rimrose Valley Friends, and it is to be led by concerned local residents whether living near to Rimrose Valley or to the A5036 Church/Dunningsbridge Road corridore, who together will fight with all legal means against the government’s short sighted, destructive and entirely avoidable road building plans.

By SCAR existing in its own right, Rimrose Valley Friends will be able to maintain the focus of looking after Rimrose Valley and building the bond between the communities it serves whilst continuing to build relationships with the statutory and funding bodies who would otherwise have to distance themselves from us if we were to directly engage in battle with the government.  Whatever happens with the government’s road plans, we will continue to push for the best for Rimrose Valley so we must not lose sight of that aim and the importance of the statutory bodies we work with.

So, please do join SCAR to show your support!

Thank you